Atmospheric Pollution, Industrial Risk Analysis
fluidyn-PANACHE is a family of multiple software modules for modelling atmospheric flows. It had been developed in collaboration with ADEME (French Ministry and Environmental Agency) and is in use since last 15 years by more than 100 users across the world. It is a self-contained, fully 3-D Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software package designed to simulate atmospheric flow and pollutant dispersion in complex environments i.e with topography, buildings, land covers and usages.
All modules use the same interface, called fluidyn-PANACHE, designed, by default numerical values, for modelling related atmospheric physics- air flow, pollution transportation. All modelling information such as boundary layer or turbulence models, meshing, solvers etc are inbuilt and automatic and used according to the problem described by the user. Such parameters and solvers are chosen from our well tested and widely used general purpose Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software fluidyn-MP.
All the models of fluidyn-PANACHE family, have been designed for environmental or industrial safety and impact engineers, having limited knowledge in CFD or numerical simulation. Hence it is designed for quick learning even if topography is very complex, with user-friendly graphical interface for data integration and results output.
fluidyn-Panache Features
Quick & interactive modelling of complex terrain with buildings, vegetation cover, water bodies and industrial units etc.
Varying weather conditions, including high pollution episode conditions as no wind, high T°
Multiple nested domains allowing simultaneous solutions from scales of a few centimetres of a leak to a hundred kilometers
Automatic meshing with structured or unstructured mesh for terrain & obstacles
Heat convection effect from solar radiation fluxes, water bodies, industrial units
Transient accidental emissions from pipes, storage tanks, pools, etc..
Integrated thermodynamic database of over 200 products for toxicity, flammability, with provision to create case specific chemical database and mixture properties
Particles/ droplets transport with evaporation, condensation, chemical reaction
Atmospheric boundary / surface layers and several turbulence models
Separate solvers for flow, dispersion and explosion
Integrated and easy to understand post-processing of results.
A few fluidyn-PANACHE modules
Risk Analysis / Danger Studies :
fluidyn-PANACHE PANEPR: Accidental dispersion of toxic / flammable gas.
fluidyn-PANACHE PANWAVE: For storage tanks, pressure & overtopping induced by wave effects on retention walls bunds
fluidyn-PANACHE PANFIRE: 3D Thermal radiation from solid storage and liquid pool fires in & around buildings
fluidyn-PANACHE ASSESS-RISK Risk analysis / consequence modelling for hazards on petrochemical sites
Air Quality / Impact Studies
fluidyn-PANACHE PANEIA: Impact of continuous industrial emissions on air quality
fluidyn-PANACHE PANROAD: Road traffic impact on air quality in urban area
fluidyn-PANACHE PANAIR: Air quality of a town
fluidyn-PANACHE PANREG: Regional air quality
Wind energy
fluidyn-PANACHE PANEOLE: Wind power analysis and mapping for potential, farms, micro-siting and wakes