创联智软将参加2018年5月24-25日在上海举行的2018中国国际锻造峰会,本次会议在上海银星皇冠假日酒店举行,规模超过百人,。届时,来自多个国家和地区的十余位锻造领域专家会为大家做行业相关的演讲报告。我公司人员刘寒龙被邀请为演讲嘉宾,将在25日16:00发表45分钟的压轴演讲,题目为Prediction of forging defect based on QForm software(基于QForm软件的锻造缺陷预测)。欢迎各位相关人员参加此次会议,互相交流。
•Overview of"Made in China 2025"Program
• The impact of China's "One Belt One Road" initiative on the Asian steel markets
• Developments in the New Energy Vehicles Landscape and its Impact on the development of
Forging Industry
• Lightweight forging for Automotive
• Smart and Next generation forging in the industry 4.0